The final installment of the Chronicles of New Albion series, featuring two exclusive short stories by Rue Sparks—”One Thousand and One Lights” and “Where Our Shadows Still Align.”

New Albion is a faerie city located on a magical island just off the coast of New York. It appeared, Brigadoon-like, in 1687, and the sudden arrival of elves, dwarves, and ancient magic shook the mundane world. Following the American Revolution in 1776, New Albion became its own sovereign nation, and as the fifth centennial of its arrival approaches, the city is filled with intrigue, danger, excitement… and of course, magic.

Chronicles of New Albion-2187 tells the tales of one year in the history of New Albion. It can stand on its own, but for the full experience, make sure to get the other three books, set in 1787, 1887, and 1987. From frock-coats to cyberpunks, you’ll want to read all four volumes that make up the urban fantasy Chronicles of New Albion!

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